Pesky Missing Time Signature

• Sep 16, 2013 - 23:25

I am producing a small book of folk tunes. This requires more than one tune on a page.

When I start the second tune I need to set up a time signature. If this is the same time signature as the previous tune it does not show on the score.

Is there a way to make this second time signature show on the score? Am I missing something obvious?

I have found a work around by making the T/S up with two numbers from the symbols palette but there isn't really room on the stave and things appear too squashed. Again I can make room by increasing the bar length by a one crotchet rest then making it invisible. This works but is very messy.




How are you tryng to add the time signatures? Shows up for me when I drag it to the score. Can you attach the score you are having problems with and describe more precisley what you are doing?

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

My problem is that I need to show two distinct pieces of music on the same page.

The problem arises when I start the second piece. I want it to display as two separate pieces of music but MS thinks it is the same piece..

If the new time signature is different from the original then it shows up no problem.

When the new time signature is the same as the original then it doesn't show.

Sorry I can't attach an example as I'm using my ipad at the moment.

In reply to by brianmassen

Understood, bur I'm saying it *does* work for me when I do it as I described. Drag a time signature to a measure, it displays just fine whether it is different from the previous time signature or not. At that is true in the current version (1.3). So I'm think you are doing something different from me to try to make that "new" time signature, but I can't tell what because you haven't said. I just know drag and drop from the palette *does* work.

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