Multiple hyphens in lyric with multiple syllables

• Sep 17, 2013 - 08:12

How would you achieve the first hyphen in the image?:

Multiple hyphens in lyric with multiple syllables (Original).png

In the attached score (produced in 1.3), it is different:

Multiple hyphens in lyric with multiple syllables (MuseScore).png


The lyrics hyphen is just a (thin) line and not using the font's dash or hypen, so looks different from a Ctrl-'-'. I think this is a bad idea and complained about this earlier already.

(In your example the font's hyphen seems thinner that the lyric-sylable-separating line, I've seen it the other way round, but that isn't any better)
Ah, it isn't even the font's Hyphen (which is in fact thicker than the sylable dash), but something entirely different. What is it?

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