Sound not workinig with Windows Development Setup

• Sep 19, 2013 - 03:57

Hi all,

I am a developer but new to MuseScore code. I tried to set up a dev environment on my Windows 7 PC, using the instructions of "Windows - MinGW". I forked and created a repository on my local PC. The build was successful, and I can start MuseSCore. However, the I cannot hear the sound of playback. Any help will be appreciated.

Besides, as I am new to MuseScore, is there any documentation that can help me to get familiar with the design and architecture of the software?

Thanks in advance.



Debugging starts
Debug: read shortcuts from
InitTime : multimedia timer resolution set to 1 milliseconds
Cannot connect to named pipe after wait = \\.\pipe\server_jack_default_0 err = 2
Cannot connect to server request channel
Execution of JACK server (command = "C:/Program Files/Jack/jackd.exe") failed: No such file or directory
Cannot connect to named pipe after wait = \\.\pipe\server_jack_default_0 err = 2
Cannot connect to server request channel
Cannot connect to named pipe after wait = \\.\pipe\server_jack_default_0 err = 2
Cannot connect to server request channel
Cannot connect to named pipe after wait = \\.\pipe\server_jack_default_0 err = 2
Cannot connect to server request channel
Cannot connect to named pipe after wait = \\.\pipe\server_jack_default_0 err = 2
Cannot connect to server request channel
Cannot connect to named pipe after wait = \\.\pipe\server_jack_default_0 err = 2
Cannot connect to server request channel
jack server is not running or cannot be started
Debug: Init midi driver failed
Debug: Fluid: sf not found
Debug: InstrumentTemplate:: init instrument not found
Debug: ChordList::read failed:
Debug: bad spanner id 0 Tie -1 - -1
Debug: setLoopInTick : tick = -1
Debug: setLoopOutTick : tick = -1
Debug: seek : utick=0
Debug: channel has no preset
Warning: FluidSynth error: event 0x90 channel 0:
Debug: channel has no preset
Warning: FluidSynth error: event 0x90 channel 0:
Debug: channel has no preset
Warning: FluidSynth error: event 0x90 channel 0:
Debug: channel has no preset
Warning: FluidSynth error: event 0x90 channel 0:
Debug: channel has no preset
Warning: FluidSynth error: event 0x90 channel 0:
Debug: channel has no preset
Warning: FluidSynth error: event 0x90 channel 0:
Debug: channel has no preset
Warning: FluidSynth error: event 0x90 channel 0:
Debug: channel has no preset
Warning: FluidSynth error: event 0x90 channel 0:
Debug: channel has no preset
Warning: FluidSynth error: event 0x90 channel 0:
Debug: channel has no preset
Warning: FluidSynth error: event 0x90 channel 0:
Debug: channel has no preset
Warning: FluidSynth error: event 0x90 channel 0:
Debug: channel has no preset
Warning: FluidSynth error: event 0x90 channel 0:
Debug: channel has no preset
Warning: FluidSynth error: event 0x90 channel 0:
Debug: channel has no preset
Warning: FluidSynth error: event 0x90 channel 0:
Debug: channel has no preset
Warning: FluidSynth error: event 0x90 channel 0:
Debug: channel has no preset
Warning: FluidSynth error: event 0x90 channel 0:
Debug: channel has no preset
Warning: FluidSynth error: event 0x90 channel 0:
Debug: channel has no preset
Warning: FluidSynth error: event 0x90 channel 0:
Debug: channel has no preset
Warning: FluidSynth error: event 0x90 channel 0:
Debug: channel has no preset
Warning: FluidSynth error: event 0x90 channel 0:
Debug: channel has no preset
Warning: FluidSynth error: event 0x90 channel 0:
Debug: channel has no preset
Warning: FluidSynth error: event 0x90 channel 0:
Debug: channel has no preset
Warning: FluidSynth error: event 0x90 channel 0:
Debug: channel has no preset
Warning: FluidSynth error: event 0x90 channel 0:
Debug: channel has no preset
Warning: FluidSynth error: event 0x90 channel 0:
Debug: channel has no preset
Warning: FluidSynth error: event 0x90 channel 0:
Debug: channel has no preset
Warning: FluidSynth error: event 0x90 channel 0:
Debug: channel has no preset
Warning: FluidSynth error: event 0x90 channel 0:
Debug: channel has no preset
Warning: FluidSynth error: event 0x90 channel 0:
Debug: channel has no preset
Warning: FluidSynth error: event 0x90 channel 0:
Debug: channel has no preset
Warning: FluidSynth error: event 0x90 channel 0:
Debug: channel has no preset
Warning: FluidSynth error: event 0x90 channel 0:
Debug: channel has no preset
Warning: FluidSynth error: event 0x90 channel 0:

In reply to by sunbin0704

It's better to use a clipboard service such as to store your log instead of pasting it in full in a comment.

Are compiling in Qt creator or on the command line? Did you run "make install"? MuseScore is looking for a sounfont to produce sounds. It will look for FluidR3_GM2-2.sf3 in the folders defined in Preferences -> General -> Soundfont paths.

There is only a few documents about MuseScore design. You can check The best way to learn is by doing. Choose a small bug and try to fix it. You can also have a chat with other developers on IRC #musescore on

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