Staff style is not propagating from full score to parts and cannot be created in Staff Styles dialogue
Watch this video
You can see that the unmetrical staff style defined in the original score (created from template) is not propagating through to the Congregation part added.
You also cannot define it again in the Staff Style dialogue.
Very annoying!
I have left this as priority normal - but should it be marked critical as it means loss of data?
Windows 8 Pro
MuseScore 2 commit 2b0d24d
Currently, this seems to work, although the spacing is off - room is allocated for the missing time signatures.
Fixed in branch 4.3.2, commit 49bb15637f
_fix #23112: don't call shared_from_this() in MuseSamplerWrapper
Because it locks the pointer, EventAudioSource loses ownership of it and can no longer destroy it_
Fixed in branch master, commit f9f3bb1a02
_fix #23112: don't call shared_from_this() in MuseSamplerWrapper
Because it locks the pointer, EventAudioSource loses ownership of it and can no longer destroy it_
that fix is entirely unrelated