
• Nov 19, 2013 - 15:19

I've tried & I've tried but after many hours of working on this program I still have no clue how to use it. I'm not very good with sheet music in the first place.

I need a few songs put into musescore & once they're done I can do what I need to do to them. So I need a favour.… (SATB)… (ssatb version)

Thank you so much for your help :)


Hello, and welcome! Have you watched the tutorial videos on the main page of this site? That plus the manual (the Handbook, found under the Help menu in MuseScore or also ont his site using the menu at right of this page) should be the places you turn for information on using MuseScore.

if after watching all the relevant videos and reading the appropriate sections of the handbook, you still have questions about how to do something, feel free to ask more specific questions in the Support forum - lots of very helpful people here.

I've watched the tutorials & I have pdf to music but it doesnt export very nicely & I end up having to copy & paste everything in a new file Only to have it screw up there too (born to wear a crown specifically changed key completely when I pasted it) I'm not great with computers & have 2 kids to take care of so trial & error takes a lot longer for me than anyone else.

In reply to by enrewen

We've all been there, but don't give up. The learning curve is quite steep at first, but the reality is that though it looks so easy, mucic is extremely complicated and the only way through is through.

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