how to link two groups of 32nd notes together?

• Feb 26, 2014 - 08:37

how to link two groups of 32nd notes together?

pls. help. thanks!!

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musescore.jpg 14.1 KB
printed-ori.jpg 26.91 KB


In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Hi Marc,

I usually input at Musesocre 1.3 as master file.
Then save as a new file opened by MuseScoreNightly-xxxxxxxxxxxx

Pls. find two files attached.

edward elgar - La Capricieusea - violin part.mscz made by V1.3
edward elgar - La Capricieusea - violin part NB.mscz made by NightlyBuild

Just donwloaded the latest ver of NightlyBuild
some mintues ago, and tried, it seems okay now.

Thank you for your effort again.

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