Is it possible to do hand over hand notation?

• Mar 7, 2014 - 07:48

Example: Left hand over right hand.


I've been trying to figure this out for a while but it doesn't seem possible. As far as I'm aware, this is somewhat common in sheet music for piano.

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In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

There are 4 symbols for that in the "keyboard techniques" category : Maj+F9 > Symbols > Keyboard techniques. There you'll find "Play with right hand", "Play with right hand (end)", "Play with left hand", and "Play with left hand (end)" symbols.

Here's a workaround that gets the job done. It's not ideal, but it works.


Basically, what I've done is:

1. Using voice 1, place the high notes and put the regular squiggly arpeggio mark on them.

2. Put an extra voice (here, voice 3) at the same place with the same notes and add a bracket arpeggio to those ones. By doing this, both arpeggios show up and you can either hide the third voice notes or leave them (I just left them). The bracket can then be moved and adjusted vertically (double-click) to any height desirable (upper and lower).

3. Added the "l.h." text to one of the notes on the high chord and simply moved it to the desired location.

I've attached the .mscz file for reference. Enjoy!

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