Groups not listed

• Sep 4, 2017 - 20:46

When I click on manage my groups, I receive a response indicating that I have no groups. Does this mean I am not sponsoring a group or groups or that I am not a member of any group? I have quite a few groups I have joined, so I am confused regarding the response I received. Any help as to how I may be goofing something up would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

Brian Lowe

P. S. As if you weren't already aware, MuseScore is the best music notation software to come along in recent history. Thanks to all those involved in its creation and development.


Ciao Brian, private groups?
I think you'll have an answer here too, but maybe you should ask the question on
Perhaps a momentary mixup?
I see that some of your scores appear in groups (eg. Arrangements?)

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