A file won't open, but all the other files do.

• Mar 15, 2014 - 13:48

i have one file that will seem like it's being opened, but on musescore there's nothing their, not tab, nothing, but it's only for that file.


In reply to by lunaleme

Unfortunately it seems the file itself is corrupt. An MSCZ file is a ZIP archive containing a text file, and if we can get at the text file, we might be able to figure out what is wrong with it. But in this case, it seems the archive itself is corrupt, so we can't get at the text file. Could be a disk error or power spike or system crash happened while writing the file? There might be utilities out there that can repair corrupt ZIP files, that could be worth a try.

Otherwise, you will need to track down a backup of the score. MuseScore creates one when it first opens your file - it will be in the same folder and have the same name but with a period in front and comma at end. This won't have any changes made since you last opened the file. In addition to that, MuseScore autosaves a verison eveyr couple of minutes. The specifics of where it keeps them are system-dependent, so you'll have to tell us what OS & version you are on (eg, Windows 7, MacOS spotted panther, etc).

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