Adding 2nd time to CODA

• Sep 24, 2017 - 13:39



I would like to add a CODA but it is the 2nd time. Please refer to the picture for your reference.
Hope someone can help me with this.



You can edit the text for jump & repeat commands like you do for any other text. You can even insert the coda symbol from the special characters palette (F2 while editing text) in the musical symbols palette in the list of repeats.

You will not be able to make it play correctly however.

Actually, we'd need to see the actual score (not just a picture of an excerpt) in order to say for sure, but it might be possible to get the playback effect you want depending on what else is going on. On the other hand, repeats in general won't be taken on the DS, so if that section is within repeats, it will take the coda the one and only time that section is played.

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