Notating enharmonics

• Apr 23, 2014 - 16:57

Hello MuseScorers.
> I want C7 to show with a Bb and not A#. Having produced most of a song it would also help if the whole score could be changed at once. From messages I have read, it looks as though the program doesn't fulfil what I need, but I live in hope that there is a solution. Thanks.


In reply to by Ajax2

Also, you don't say how you entered the note in the first place. I'm guessing maybe via MIDI? That is the big drawback of MIDI entry - the software has to guess how to spell accidentals. Whereas the usual note entry methods (computer keyboard or mouse) younalways enter them directly in the first place). But indeed, up arrow raises pitch and spells accidetnals with sharps, down lowers ptich and spells with flats, so with a note selected, up/down always returns a note to the original pitch but spelled with a flat. The only except is that "down" will never produce an Fb or Cb; you need to usee the explicit accidentals (on toolbar or palette) for that.

Contributors suggestions have been interesting. Thanks.
The notes I want to influence are accidentals. To simplify the problem start a new score for just 1 or 2 bars for piano, say. Now make the key signature G. Now enter the chord of C7 (not Cmaj7). I often use the inversion E,G,Bb,C. Now if you have done this using a mouse you can, of course, position the B and click the flat sign (b). It's a bit laborious if C7 appears frequently in a piece. With a MIDI keyboard it is easier to enter the chord but it will show as E,G,A#,C. It's all because the key of G favours sharps. Moving the note up or down does not solve the problem without clicking the flat sign and one would have to change all occasions of this chord. I wouldn't mind editing one chord but I need the facility to change all appearances of the chord.

In reply to by Ajax2

Also, the mouse is by far the least efficient way of inputting notes. MIDI works, but it does have the drawback discussed here - it has to guess the correct spelling. Usually the most efficient method of entering notes is with the computer keyboard. Want a Bb? Type B then hit the down arrow.

Again, even for MIDI entry, the up/down arrows *do* work. You start by selecting the *note*, not the accidental. But it is true you have to do it for each occurrence. Which is one reason I don't find MIDI entry very efficient. With the computer keyboard, I can enter a Bb easily accurately from the beginning

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Thank you, Marc and ChurchOrganist. I had selected the note, the A#, with the mouse and tried to edit it also with the mouse and that was my mistake. Yes, by moving it with the up and down arrow keys the Bb can be found. I like to use the MIDI keyboard, especially for chords, but I shall also try to use the computer keyboard since it clearly has some advantages. My question has been answered fully now - I may have another before long to do with repeats and Codas so it's good to know you are there.

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