Layout changes after upload

• Sep 29, 2017 - 00:21

When I upload a MuseScore file to this site, the layout changes. I end up with systems that have one bar in them.


If you format the score on your computer in page view, the score should display the same on line. If this is note the case, please upload your score here and paste a link to your score online (with all of its ugliness).

This may happen if you use a text-font not supported by the server. Which was likely the case in the score you posted, as it opened here with the fallback font of "MS Shell Dlg" for your lyrics. The server then tries to substitute with a fallback font, which in turn alters the width of your syllables which indeed affects layout.

To be as certain as possible that your score doesn't undergo such changes, use one of the fonts included with musescore (FreeSans/FreeSerif) or one of the google fonts.

In reply to by Paul Nahay

Change fonts for any particular type of text by right-clicking one element of that type and going to Text Style.

In general, MusicXMl is fine for getting the basic bones of a score into MuseScore, but realistically, if your goal is to have complete control over the formatting, best may be to import the MusicXML then copy and paste it to a fresh score created within MuseScore with more appropriate defaults.

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