something like sona cadenza

• May 7, 2014 - 08:58

Has anyone taken a look at Sona Cadenza? I've tried it a little bit but couldn't make it work for me. BUT the idea is very good. The concept is that the company sells scorers (smart scores) which allow you, the soloist, play the music aloud on your instrument, and the software monitors your play and plays the accompaniment FOLLOWING YOU.

Has anyone thought about how this works, and whether musescore could do the same thing?

One problem I see with Cadenza is that the pieces they offer for sell are extremely difficult for the beginner or intermediate player. If musescore had such a feature, then the user could enter multi-instrument scores, either simple scores for beginners or more complicated scores.

No doubt, this would be a major development, far from trivial.

Another approach might be to find out from Sona whether they have intention of supporting an open music format?

I'd love to hear what anyone thinks about this.



Hey, Jim.

Here we are a year later, and Cadenza is on iPhone and iPad. And we added a bunch of easier music (like Suzuki violin and cello, early book repertoire).

I think it would be wonderful if we could import music from MuseScore right into Cadenza so you can be free to play or sing how you like!

If we do such a thing, what would you use it for, and how much music do you think you would "Cadenza-fy" ?

Co-Founder of Sonation

In reply to by Sonation

Hi Paul, perhaps I should take another look at cadenza.
What's your idea of having cadenza play musescore
Files? I assume the option would be to have cadenza read
MusicXML, that way it could read the output of finale
And also sebelius, and others...

How much music would I input? Good question.
I'm an amateur oboist. What I currently like to do is enter the score into musescore manually one note at a time.
Then use the playback feature with or without the oboe muted.

I find this a pretty good way to rehearse, but it is far from perfect.

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