How to create seamless looping MP3

• Oct 13, 2017 - 03:14

I've been working on creating video game music, and when I use the Loop feature to play twice, the songs loop seamlessly just like I want. However, at the very very end of the MP3, there's often a second or two of dead space in the song. Is there any way to generate an MP3 that will loop as seamlessly as they do when the Loop feature is used but without generating empty space at the end of the MP3, so I don't have to set the MP3 to just repeat 20 times or something like that?

Ideally, if I have the song looping twice, create an MP3, and fire it up in Windows Media Player on Repeat, I want it to sound like I have an infinite loop, not that I have a song that loops twice, pauses for a second, and then repeats.


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