musescore on tablet format

• May 28, 2014 - 18:07

Hi .. I'm a MS newbie. Been using Finale for years on a Mac platform.
What I'd like to achieve : export my library of Finale files as XML to a very stable tablet platform that runs Windows 8 or Android. Ideally whatever app this is would be optimized for touch screen (in terms of scrolling, etc.)
I'm a Mac guy, but the iPad is just too small for serious work. I don't care about any editing capabilities on the tablet other than the ability to transpose and seamlessly scroll though pages. I do all my data entry & editing in my studio.
Simply want a 12 or 13" tablet, like the Lenovo Yoga or similar to accurately display my charts & not crash.
Every iPad app I used was absolutely terrible in terms of stability & consistency.
Hoping someone can give me some input as to whether Musescore would be what I'm looking for, or what a good alternative would be.
Greg Hilfman
Topanga, Ca.


Hi Greg,

Welcome aboard :)

I am now using a Samsung Galaxy Note Pro 12.2 tablet for performance which is running Android KitKat.

It is just what is needed for the job.

I do have the MuseScore PLayer app, but am currently using Mobilesheets for performance albeit the PDFs are prepared in MuseScore.

IMO the player app is more geared towards phones as it currently doesn't respect page and line breaks entered into the score, which means your carefully placed page turns are completely nerfed!

The icons too are very small for use with a touch screen, requiring the use of the S-Pen to be used accurately.

Having said that, it is a very useful tool for previewing scores in a rehearsal context, which is what I usually use the MuseScore player app for currently.

The display on the NotePro is crystal clear, although the white is so brilliant it requires the brightness turning down in most situations :)


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