Half diminished in Musejazz

• Jun 5, 2014 - 18:43

I need a symbol in Musejazz style, an o with a line over it for half diminished. Does anyone know the abbreviation for it? I have been trying to work it out but it has not worked so far. I'd rather not put mi7b5, as it is too big and I want it to be short so I can fit more chords in one bar.


See Chord name in the Handbook. The way to get the half diminished symbol - as well as the triangle for major and dash for minor - is to switch to the cchords_sym chord style. Then type "ma7" and "-7b5" and it will automatically be converted to triangle and circle-with-slash when you complete entry.

For the next major release, you won't have to pre-selected chord styles. Just type "0" for half-diminished and "^" or "t" for the triangle.

I put show all files in the style explorer, and selected it. I typed 'F#-7b5' in the chord, and it was still in the Musejazz font. It did not change. Does it matter what font it is? I'm not sure whether the solution is obvious or not, but it never seems to work after closing and reopening the program, and confirming the style.

I put show all files in the style explorer, and selected it. I typed 'F#-7b5' in the chord, and it was still in the Musejazz font. It did not change. Does it matter what font it is? I'm not sure whether the solution is obvious or not, but it never seems to work after closing and reopening the program, and confirming the style.

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