MSC vs. MSCX and MSCZ - data file issues

• Sep 2, 2009 - 23:12


a friend and I are working on the same piece of music. He uses Linux, I use Windows (0.9.5. R2012).
His version still saves MSC-files, mine saves MSCX and MSCZ. We also use PDF-prints to verify that no information gets lost and appears as on the first authors computer.

From the release notes I figured that MSC is identical to MSCX but for the extension. However, when we open each other files information got lost (concert key has offset, sometimes also layout information).
Can I rename MSC to MSCX and vice versa without any consequences?

Secondly, should not also MSCX and MSCZ be identical in information content? When he opens my files, he gets different results, when I save the same pieces to both file types.

Is there a file type that is used identical in all recent version, and that should work for us to exchange files from Linux to Windows? If yes, we can look a little more into detail on when the issues arise. So far three of us have been trying, but we cannot open music from somebody using a different system.

Thanks in advance,


The problem is your friend on Linux is using an older version of MuseScore. Although 0.9.5 should be able to read any file from 0.9.4 or earlier, the reverse is not necessarily true. If you are working together on a project then I strongly recommend using the same version. Point your friend to the information on the [[nodetitle:Download]] page of this website for instructions. If he or she is unwilling to upgrade you may have to install an older version of MuseScore (although I wouldn't recommend that since the older versions are not as stable as 0.9.5).

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