Repeat with multiple endings issue

• Jun 11, 2014 - 16:57

I've been spending a few days to do the testing. The whole volta repeat is fine except the 3rd time starts from 2nd bar instead of the 1st bar. Anybody can help ?
Thanks a lot.

Attachment Size
2 Volta test.mscz 2 KB


Generally speaking, MuseScore is a notation program rather than a general purpose playback program, and it does not even try to follow complex repeat setups. I'm not sure if it's at all possible to get it to do anything like what you have in mind. Best bet is simply turn off the playback of repeats.

In reply to by Tonykeung

If your goal is making an audio representation of your score, why don't you export the score as a MIDI file, then import the resulting MIDI file using a sequencer, then edit your repeats and whatever else you need using the editing features of the sequencer, then save the results as audio file (or as MIDI again)?.

If you don't have any sequencer, there are many free solution available. As an example, you could consider Podium Free or Logic Fun or Temper.

In reply to by Tonykeung

...but when I play your original posted score I hear a perfect 4th (C & F notes) being played at volta '2'. It sounds as if MuseScore is not actually starting from bar 2 at the repeat; but, in fact, it plays bar #4 & bar #1 simultaneously. Then it proceeds to bar #2.

Also, as the logical position of the volta 2,4 encompasses only a single measure, writing it out as ChurchOrganist suggested (and as Jojo did in his attachment) will allow for proper playback.

However, if you wish to extend the volta's logical position to more than one measure, see:


In reply to by Jm6stringer

yes, you're right, bar 4 & bar 1 plays simultaneously at the end of the 2nd repeat.

I can fix with it with churchorganist's advice.

But with yr advice to extend 1 bar of Volta 2,4, still doesn't work with attachment.

You have any idea ?
By the way, can U tell me how to make 3 different endings(problem attached) ?

Have a good weekend !

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