MuseScore appimage updates and keyboard shortcuts storing

• Oct 26, 2017 - 07:03

Dear MuseScore community,

I'm using MuseScore Portable AppImage installed previously on Ubuntu 17.10. Is there any way to get newest updates using appimage? Also, where are MuseScore store keyboard shortcuts settings defined in app preferences? Can I move them to new installation of MuseScore or Linux system? Thank you.


You will find the actual AppImage always on the Download page (at time version 2.1, there is no newer stable version).

There are available also nightlies from development versions, but they are only for testing, not for daily use. So when a new stable version will be released (and announced) you will find the AppImage on the download page.

The customized shortcuts should also work with a future MuseScore 2.x, so no needs to copy them again, because they are stored in your home directory.

In case you'll install your Linux system new from scratch or a Musescore version 3.x will be released: you'll find the customized shortcuts file in your home directory under ".local/share/data/MuseScore/MuseScore2/shortcuts.xml" (at least in OpenSuse, in case in Ubuntu there is another path, open the terminal and enter: "find -name shortcuts.xml").

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