New to this!

• Jun 13, 2014 - 09:19

Hello. I have just joined today and nowhere can I find how to start a new score. I keep getting back to downloading a score, I've watched the video, I've searched and searched 'Help', I have looked at the tour and even googled for an answer but I still can't see how to create a new sheet! Either it's a blond moment or just that Friday feeling, but either way I am getting a bit frustrated! Any help would be very much appreciated! Thank you in advance!

Amendment - Ok, it's absolutely a blond vs Friday morning........I have found it! :-)


In reply to by Thomas

"ROFL !!" -- I know it's kinda funny for old hands, but...

For someone not that experienced with computers, perhaps having used only pre-installed applications like Word, or a browser, the concept of downloading software is not obvious. Even if you know a bit, there are other possibilities. Maybe you pay $5 with PayPal, or 0.01 Bitcoin, and they mail you a CD. Maybe you go through Steam. Maybe it's SaaS -- you don't download anything, but interact with a remote application. Common these days. Or it could be a browser plugin.

Speaking of which, I would love MuseScore to be "in the cloud". Sometimes at work I have some time, like if I eat lunch at my desk, where I'd like to hack my score, but I can't because all the stuff is at home. Not supposed to install unofficial things, etc...

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Dear everyone that's taken time to respond and for the helpful advice given - thank you! It's heartening to know there are still helpful folk in the world! :-) The portable apps sounds great!

I did indeed manage to download the software (sooo not blond and very on the ball) and after I thought it was loaded I went through all the stuff to see how to start a new score and couldn't find it, so asked for help (felt bit blond but hey ho, decided it was small price to pay) That was when I noticed the icon flashing in the toolbar so clicked on it and realised that I hadn't actually finalised the installation (definitely a blond) so clicked that and it was all systems go! :-D

Now I don't know how to reply to everyone in general so apologies to Marc for responding in his thread!

Right - off now to create a new score for a piano pupil, simplified version of course! ;-)

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