Varying Grand Staff Color

• Nov 2, 2017 - 23:37

I wish to make a rhythm comparison worksheet for myself with each of the four grand staffs and their respective notes a different color. This is a multi page document so I would like it to apply to the entire document.

I have tried various ways to accomplish this but have been unsuccessful.

Kindly see attached.

Thank you!

Attachment Size
MS worksheet.mscz 14.27 KB


Your problem is that you actually only have one grand staff and four systems. You can only change a staff to one color, so go into instruments and add 3 more instruments and adjust the number of measure and you can set each one's using right click and staff properties. You will need to do this on each staff.

And if you've add the instruments and changed the note line color further: select barlines or bar numbers, then right click->select->select similars in the same stave and change the color.

For a seperate key signature press "ctrl" and select it and change the color.

Enter the notes, select them right click->select->select similars in the same stave and change the color.

And last "hide empty staves".

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