Lignes qui ne restent pas en place

• Nov 22, 2017 - 21:58
Reported version
S3 - Major


En dernière version, si je mets une ligne (du panneau Lignes), et que je la déplace. Après avoir sauvegardé, puis fermé l'appli (et le fichier de partition), quand je ré-ouvre le fichier les lignes se sont déplacées.

Cela ne se produit pas si je ne déplace pas la(es) ligne(s).

Vous pouvez essayer avec le fichier ci-joint.




I can confirm this. I tried dragging the hairpin in bar 193 upwards a little, saved, reloaded, and it had drifted to the right.

This is a duplicate of issue #250381: Wandering hairpin in score with mmrest & invisible staves. It only happens if the score contains both multimeasure rests and invisible staves.

BTW, in this particular score, it isn't clear why the piano staff has been set to invisible. If the goal is just to be able to view the clarinet part alone, you should use the File / Parts facility to generate the clarinet part. Had you done that, there would not have been a problem.

Well I was going to work on copying in the Piano part later, I know I could also add it too later.

BTW, I had also seen this in a multiple Clarinet piece.

I don't see the difference between multiple instruments and multiple parts ?

Any new version soon ?

See the Handbook for info on how Parts work. That is the proper solution here - you shouldn't be using invisible staves for this at all here. Once you do set this up correctly you won't see the problem any more.