Microsoft Paint feature built into Musescore

• Nov 24, 2017 - 13:44

For those of us who make worksheets or tests this would be fantastic. Is it possible to add and resize empty boxes into the score? Would love to be able to edit my score anyway I chose without having to save it as a PDF and open via paint.
Of course if this was ever considered it wouldn't have to be Microsoft paint but something akin to that!
I love Musescore, it is the best program out there, but please look at the editing capabilities of finale so you can better understand what I am speaking of.


Chances are whatever it is you are trying to be done can indeed already achieved in other ways. You certainly should not need to say scores as PDF and edit in Paint just to mix in some graphics. For example, you can insert SVG or PNG fiels via drag & drop onto a score element or via the context menu within a frame, you can also create boxes as empty text with frame enabled via Text Properties, etc. Or export the musical content of your score as a PNG and import into Word or the like, which is usually the best way to create text-heavy documents.

If you attach something showing the result you are trying to achieve, we can provide more specific help.

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