Make notes during playback

• Dec 9, 2017 - 22:11

I often find myself listening through a score and hearing something I want to go back and edit. It would be nice to be able to "drop a pin" at that measure so that I wouldn't have to interrupt playback and fix it right then and there - just listen through the whole piece, and then go back to the spots I marked as needing another look.


In reply to by cirkatianrhythm

Unfortunately you must pause to insert a note. The quickest way is to press the space to pause, then crlt+m to enter a rehearsal mark, then continue. The advantages of the rehearsal mark are: there is a shortcut and you can search for it later by pressing ctrl+f, then r then the first number or letter of the rehearsal mark. You can even use the same mark every time. Just use a different number or letter than other rehearsal marks.

To "drop a pin" during play back:
1. While listening to the score, press the letter 'L' at the point you wish to come back to. This sets a loop in position for the Play Panel. Unfortunately, it saves only one spot at a time.


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