Re-Pitch on chords

• Feb 15, 2018 - 16:54

Hi there,
I don't know if its a bug or just the way MuseScore deals with Re-pitch on chords.

When I re-pitch single notes it works fine (skips directly to the next note no matter how many pauses are between)
When I re-pitch chords, it skips to the next pause. Then, I have to play another note/chord (sometimes more than one, depending on the quantity of pauses) to skip to the next chord. Its not a big deal. But its kind of annoying, as the process would be much more fast if it behaved like it does on single notes.



I guess you mean, while in re-pitch mode, you are entering notes using your computer keyboard, and after re-pitching a single note, you press Shift+letter to add another note, and the cursor as a result backs up to allow more notes to also be added? It's true that it does not immediately advance again on press of a single letter -
for me it always takes exactly two keypresses regardless of the number of intervening rests - and that seems like a bug. I'd recommend submitting this officially to the issue tracker (eg, via Help / Report a Bug). Include a sample score and precise step by steps to illustrate the problem.

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