
• Feb 21, 2018 - 15:40

I like to know how to change the score, because the way it presents the piano score between left and right hand is not correct for some music.
Therefore I need to change the splitpoint of the keyboard, so the right notes I play with the right hand are in the upper notation, and the one of the left hand in the lower.

how can I do that?


Are you talking about how MuseScore automatically determines things when using MIDI input? The algorithm for this is complex and not based on a simple split point, so there is not necessarily a way to just magically get it to do what you want. You can play with the settings int he MIDI import panel and influence the behavior of the algorithm. if you post your MIDI file and explain what you'd like to see different, we can try to advise better.

If you just mean you have an existing score (not a MIDI file) where a note is already entered incorrectly so you wish to it from one place to another, the way to do this is cut and paste. It's the same for moving it from piano right hand to piano left hand as it is from moving from flute to oboe or from measure 3 to measure 17.

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