Move a rest

• Feb 25, 2018 - 21:41

Hi, my first post here :)
Anyway, i imported some music from a pdf and it worked really well, except that in a couple of places where a bar has say a beat and a half rest at the beggining of it, its put the quaver rest at the end, its annoying as i cant work out how to move it to the front of the bar?
Anyone got any ideas how i can do this?



Select the notes and cut them, select the first beat, make a quaver rest (or what ever size), select the next rest and paste.

In reply to by Chris White1

Music normally has to have the number of beats in it specified by the time signature, so MuseScore enforces that for you. If that rest isn't what you wanted, then probably you didn't select the right numbers of notes or rests to begin with before cutting / pasting. Or it could be the PDF import program actually put too many beats in the measure, in which case you need to correct that error by right-clicking the using Measure Properties / Actual duration.

if you need further assistance, please attach your score and describe exactly what you are trying to do.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

I know that Marc, that's nit what u mean. All its done it put a quaver rest in the bar but at the end of the bar when it needs to be at the begging of the bar. I'll try and redo the bar again. Can I stop it automatically putting rests in, I'm perfectly ok putting them in myself if that's possible

In reply to by Chris White1

The part of the measure that does not have notes will always have rests to assure the measure matches the time signature. This is the philosophy that MuseScore has always followed to this point. Marc is hopefully going to mentor a computer student to make some type of scratch pad concept that will allow this and many other complaints about the MuseScore measure philosophy to be bi-passed.

In reply to by Chris White1

So you entered notes at the beginning of the bar and a quaver rest at the end, and you are now deciding you want the rest at the beginning and the notes later? In other words, you have a passage of notes that currently starts on 1, but you want it to start half a beat later? No problem. You don't do this by moving the rest to the beginning and hope some unspecified number of notes move later. You simply take the notes you want moved and do it yourself. Select the notes, cut, enter the quaver rest, paste.

Again, if you need further assistance, it would be most helpful if you attached your score so we can show you precisely step by step what to do.

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