Delete empty voice for one clef.

• Feb 26, 2018 - 01:02

I write something with two voices at G-clef and two voices at F-clef.
I used voices 1 and 2 for G-clef and 1 and 3 for F-clef.
At some point I moved notes for voice 1 at F-clef to separate voice 4.
It was done by selection and Ctrl+Alt+4
My issue that after this changing I have three voices on F-clef. It is 1, 3 and 4.
But 1 is absolutely empty voice at F-clef (no notes).
How I can remove this voice 1 from F-clef without touching G-clef?

I tried select all this pauses and press delete. But no luck.
Also attached picture with explanation.
It is windows app 2.1.0 (rev 871c8ce)

Attachment Size
questionMS.jpg 62.11 KB


If you desire to keep the measure as it is rather than re-voice the measure to eliminate any extraneous rests, simply make invisible the F-clef voice-1 whole rest by selecting it and pressing 'v'. If the greyed form is sore on the eyes, turn off Show Invisible from the View menu.

In general, you should never leave vocie 1 empty - MsueScore wasn't designed to work that way. Voice 1 is always the first voice to fill, then add more vocies from there as needed (using the convention that stem up notes go to 1 & 3, stem down to 2 & 4). The vast majority of music would be notated with either at msot two vocies per staff: voice 1 & 2. The example you show is no exception as far as I can tell - nothing about it appears to require more than voices 1 & 2.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Thanks for explanation, it sounds reasonable. Maybe I am doing something wrong.

The main idea why I want not to use same voice on different clefs is that I want to decorate clefs differently.

I need different notes direction for different clefs for voice 1 (to prevent collisions with other voice).
I can swap direction of selected notes using X hotkey, but it is boring to do it after input each measure.
That's why I tried separate voices on different clefs.

And other thing "swap is just swap". I don't found something like "set direction to up/down for selected notes". Maybe I am blind.

In reply to by demobin

If you use voices in MuseScore the way they were intended to be used - voice 1 for upstem notes, voice 2 for downstem, voice 3 & 4 same but only used as needed - you should almost never need to flip anything.

So it would help if you attached your score so we could understand better what is going on and how to do things more effectively.

To set direction for selected notes, use the Inspector. You need to have only notes selected, so if you have a range, hit the Notes button to restrict selection first.

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