Midi problem

• Mar 2, 2018 - 16:33

I have connected a midi keyboard to my PC via Behringer XENYX 802 USB.

It has worked with Musescore and Sibelius in the past, but I can't get it to communicate with them. It is working with Audacity.

I'm a novice. Any advice would be much appreciated.

Many thanks,



I can't speak for Sibelius, but for MuseScore, the main thing to know is to connect and turn on the keyboard before starting MuseScore. If you do that, all should work. Do check Edit / Preferences / I/O and sure it is recognzied, also be sure the MIDI icon is enabled in the main toolbar. Assuming all checks out, you should be able to enter Note Input mode, select a duration, press a key, and the note should appear.

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