How to delete scores from "start centre"

• Mar 2, 2018 - 19:15

I have MuseScore 2.1 and have various scores in the "start centre" that I want to delete, but have no idea how to.
I have not published anything on, but just want to get rid of all the scores that were mistakes or I do not want to keep, from the software. I can't try out things without them being there forever more.
I can find nothing on the software that allows me to delete a score once I have started it.
Any hints?


The Start Center isn't a place where scores are stored; it's just a list of scores stored elsewhere on your computer - wherever you yourself chose to save them when you did the save operation (default location is a folder called "Scores"). If you want to get rid of these files, you need to delete them normally - the same way you'd delete any other files you don't want, using the facilities provided by your OS (eg, Windows Explorer, macOS Finder). Once you delete the files from your computer, they will automatically disappear from the Start Center as soon as MuseScore realizes they are gone (might require restarting MuseScore).

FWIW, should you decide you want to make them disappear from the Start Center without deleting them - so the files will still be on your computer, just not visible in the Start Center - do File / Open Recent / Clear Recent Files.

In reply to by Liz Norton

If the file is gone and you restart MsueScor,e then there is no way for it to display a thumbnail - the thumbnail comes from the file itself. So if you were still seeing the thumbnail after restarting MsueScore, then there is no explanation other than, the file is still present. Could well be you only deleted the backup" file (name starting with period and ending with comma), or that you had copies of the file in different folders or under different filenames. From your description, the file *is still there, somewhere.

In reply to by Liz Norton

Try the find facility built in to your OS to do the looking for you - all files ending in ".MSCZ" or ".MSCX".

As for inserting excerpts into Word, see the image capture tool in MuseScore (camera icon at right of main toolbar), which allows you to define a region, take a snapshot that is saved either to your clipboard or to a file, then either paste or load it into Word.

Even better for large documents, if you can switch to LibreOffice, is the MuseScore Example Manager, which allows you to insert the MSCZ files "directly" (not really, it's still saving to a graphic file, but it appears as if the MSCZ is inserted directly) and to keep the link so you can ctrl+click on the image to edit the score in MuseScore and then hit a button to update the document with those changes.

In reply to by Liz Norton

I downloaded the extension;
I launched Libreoffice and then Ctrl+A+E (Extension manager)-> Add.
Here it doesn't work (but the pc is old and obsolete)
LibreOffice 2.1.0

Edit (2)
My Error: It works.
I had not paid attention to the correct Path (C:?Program Files?MuseScore 2?bin) but it is not displayed correctly (HW limits)

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In reply to by Shoichi

Several times, but I just downloaded the other version, 6.0, and the extension is now there in the drop down menu. (No button on toolbar, but at least it is there!)

Ah.....Have just found it on the extension bit of the toolbar. All there in new version. Hoorah!

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