Import Multiple Mdi Files In One Project?

• Mar 6, 2018 - 16:26

Hello everybody,
when I have two or more different Midi Files (for ex. "Piano Left Hand" and "Piano Right Hand" or one for the Drum one for the bass etc.) and I want them all to be open in the same Musescore project; how do I do it?



You will need to open each individually and then add the other instruments to one of the scores. It won't take too long to add an instrument then copy and paste from one score to another.

Copy and paste from separate scores is indeed one way to do it. Another might be to combine the MIDI files first in a sequencer. Or, if they were already one project in the sequencer, find out how to export the whole project as a MIDI file from that sequencer rather than exporting each track individually.

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