Request Verification: Indent when Hide Empty Staves

• Mar 9, 2018 - 23:43

Greetings MScore board.
A score has a string instrument filling a musical page and wanting a drum pattern at the bottom to provide a rhythm, so:
1) include 2nd instrument
2) Go to final line, fill in the last line with what is appropriate (or jargon for testing)
3) Hide Empty Staves + Don't show on first line.
The result has the second instrument on the final system only, but it seems the Instrument name--even for a hidden instrument through Hide Empty Staves--affects the placement of the visible instrument (here the stringed instrument mentioned). That's to say, even though there's no second instrument showing on the first system, the first system is indented slightly without giving any visual cue as to why. This isn't much of an error, but it can be suspicious and confusing. If the percussion or any generic second instrument were re-displayed and the user deletes the short name showing at the beginning of systems (select+delete the labels), then re-hide empty staves etc, then the indent disappears. It would seem appropriate that this indenting would disappear whether or not the text were on the hidden instrument as soon as it was hidden through the appropriate steps.

Please give a reproduction for verification before sending in a ticket, or provide an explanation if this is known , doesn't need fixing, etc. If this isn't comprehended due to imprecise steps: it will be followed up.



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