Nightly Build HELP!

• Jul 2, 2014 - 03:50

OKay, so I just got the nightly build, and when I try to open a score from 1.3, the score appears, but no sound plays. I go into the mixer, and it says the sound is "Aeolius" and that is the only option to choose from. How can I fix this?!


What OS, and how did you install the build? I'm guessing it isn't installed correctly and it cannot find any soundfonts. Also see View / Synthesizer and see what soundfonts are available.

Is the instrument by any chance Pipe Organ?

That would explain Aeolus being the only choice.

Solution use Change Instrument to switch to organ.

In reply to by Zynette

Currently the Pipe Organ instrument routes the data output to the Aeolus Organ synth

Organ is a normal instrument routing data to the standard soundfont.

I have just issued a pull request that addresses this anomaly and provides a standard GM sound for Pipe Organ (I have made the default sound Pan Flute as there are issues with most GM pipe organ sounds).

The Aeolus synth will still be useable for those who wish to play with it by selecting Aeolus Organ from the instrument list.

The Aeolus synth probably will not be part of the MuseScore 2 release, however.

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