Chord Parenthesis Without Spaces
When inputting a chord with parenthesis, e.g. (A), MuseScore adds spaces between the chord and the brackets, so it appears as ( A ). When several of these occur in the same bar, the parentheses begin to overlap and affect readability. Is there any way to get the chord to stay exactly as I type it, without spaces?
I'm using version 2.1
I don't think this is possible currently
A workaround could be to add the parenthesis via master palette (see:
The amount of space is indeed not currently configurable, but adding the parens as separate symbols (whether from the Symbols palette or as regular chord symbols) would work. FWIW, though, the intent is that you enter a whole sequence of parenthesized chords as "(Fma7 Emi7 A7)" rather than "(Fma7) (Emi7) (A7)"
In reply to The amount of space is… by Marc Sabatella
This problem still exists (in MuseScore 4) and is wrong on at least three counts:
There should never be blank spaces between the brackets and the contents, that is a typing error (propagated by the peculiarities of some programming languages, and by people who don't know how to type). This sentence shows precisely how brackets, everywhere, should appear when properly typed (immediately wrapping their contents).
If the user wants spaces somewhere, they can type them, deliberately. And indeed they will if they want to type in optional chord progressions, e.g. C (C6 Cma7), though they probably want wider spacing between the two chords, for clarity of reading. And in reality, the chords would usually be aligned above specific notes in the melody, so are much more akin to being tabbed rather than spaced apart.
That kind of example is not the only use of brackets, and will still be appearing wrong with spaces inside the brackets. A very common use of bracketed chords is a single optional chord, not just sequences. For example, a bar may be played with an F chord for the whole bar, or be (optionally) enhanced by becoming a sixth on the third beat, and be written as F followed by (F6), leaving it for the player to decide whether on not to bother with it. Or, another example being the implied chord on an anacrusis that's not actually played, but helps to place the lead-in notes into context. There'll be many other examples, too, and adding spaces inside the brackets will be wrong with all of them.
The incorrect spaces make a mess of scores, particularly tightly packed scores where you can't afford to have space wasted by wrongly formatted bracketing. We're long past the point of using badly created fonts that have the wrong amount of tiny spacing inside the brackets, and having to compensate for it with bad techniques of adding in whacking great big blank spaces that don't belong there.
In reply to This problem still exists … by Tim Seifert
Report this on GitHub
In reply to Report this on GitHub by Jojo-Schmitz
My experience with reporting such bugs are that they don't care. They demand you fix their programming bugs for them. They expect you use some ridiculous workaround rather than fix the bug.
In reply to My experience with reporting… by Tim Seifert
Tons and tons of bugs are fixed; your claim is objectively false. But, for the record, this isn’t a bug, just a requested design change. And tons of those are honored well. But in general, nothing happens until someone takes the first step of opening an issues. Up to you if you’d like to take an active step forward or just complain and make baseless accusations.
In reply to Tons and tons of a of bugs… by Marc Sabatella
No my claim is not false, it is exactly MY experience with reporting bugs here.
Case in point: Tied notes cannot be crossed over into a second volta. The response was to rewrite a score in some other manner (because MuseScore cannot do something that it should be able to do).
In reply to No my claim is not false, it… by Tim Seifert
In 4.5 this is possible. Proving that your claim is false...
In reply to This problem still exists … by Tim Seifert
Chord symbols are not ordinary text; the same rules don’t apply.
It’s quite common for the parens to have more space when they surround sequences of chords, and less space when they surround individual chords. That should probably be the default, with a property setting to override it.
In reply to Chord symbols are not… by Marc Sabatella
In well over 40 years of playing music I've yet to see any professionally printed score make such a typographical abomination
In reply to In well over 40 years of… by Tim Seifert
It’s more common in handwritten charts to be sure, but seen reasonably often in published charts using a handwritten look.
In reply to In well over 40 years of… by Tim Seifert
I disagree with almost everything Tim has said ... except that the parentheses around chord symbols looks truly awful. This choice was a horrible mistake by the developers.