Make the mixer more usable

• Jul 4, 2018 - 10:02

Instead of the Solo and Mute button which are very confusing and not working well, just make for each instrument a a simple toggled on/off button and next to it volume.

if i toggle off, the volume goes to 0. if i toggle on, the volume goes back to it's before state.

that's it. would be way more intuitive and usable.


Well, the Mute button already does what you want. The Solo button is handy as a one click button to silence all other instruments. I would not advise for its removal.

"Intuitive" is a subjective term. Pretty much every mixer in the world uses "Mute" and "Solo" the same way we do, so doing it any other way would be extremely unintuitive to anyone familiar with other mxiers. In general, I'm not a fan of reinventing wheels.

But you say "not working well" - can you be more specific about what problems you are encountering?

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