Trying to open a v 3.0 file with v2.3.2

• Aug 22, 2018 - 17:30


Before I start all over again. My laptop is running OpenSUSE leap 15.0 and I have Musescore 3.0, I have been having trouble with the program, so I have just transferred (via USB stick) the score to an old laptop running Windows Vista 2.3.2 and it says it can't open a newer version.

Is there a way to access what I have done so far?
If I uploaded it and download it to the old laptop will this help?

Thank you in advance.


2.x not opening 3.x files is to be expected. Export to XML in 3.0 and import that in 2.x.
Actually there is no 3.0 currently, just development builds, pre-alpha versions of a future 3.0 if you like.

To be clear: please do not try to use development builds of the future 3.0 for "real" work. Not only will scores not open in the current 2.3.2, but they probably won't open very well in the real 3.0 when it eventually comes out, either. Use MusicXML export/import to get as much of your work into 2.3.2 as possible, and use that going forward on both your Windows and Linux machines until a newer version is actually released (or at least comes out in a "beta" version; we're not even at "alpha" yet although I guess we are getting closer).

Thank you for your responses. Musescore 3.0 is the one that comes with OpenSuse. When I have time I will investigate running version 2.3.2 on OpenSuse.

In reply to by mike320

The official version of MuseScore of OpenSuse Leap 15.0 is version 2.2.1.
But there exist some community packages with 2.3.2. At time of my comment the website is "currently down for maintenance". I will send the link as soon as possible it's available again.

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