Plugins with ubuntu 16.04

• Sep 13, 2018 - 16:19

I have 2 versions of Musescore installed on my Ubuntu 16.04 machine: version 2.0.2 (revision 3543170) and version 2.3.2 (revision 4592407). Version 2.3.2 will not run plugins - I get an error message 'module "QtQuick" is not installed'. Version 2.0.2 will run them fine.

Both installations use Qt version 5.5.1 according to the Help-> About Qt menu.

I am confused as to why one of them works and one doesn't - any suggestions of how to fix this?

I suspect it may be to do with the fact that 2.3.2 was installed from the Ubuntu software centre via snap, so its files sit in /snap/musescore. Version 2.0.2 was installed from the command line via apt; its files are at /usr/share/mscore-2.0. I can see that I have a folder 'QtQuick' at /usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5, but no folder 'QtQuick' in any subdirectory of /snap/musescore. But I don't seem to be allowed to copy folders to this location (even with sudo) so have no idea what I can do about it.

Many thanks for any hints or tips you can give.


I have exactly the same problem with same operating system (Ubuntu 16.04). I also have the same two MuseScore versions installed (2.0.2 and 2.3.2). Plugins work fine on old version, but on the new version not. It definitely must be a bug. Hopefully the developers notice these comments, as there are probably quite a lot Ubuntu users with the new MuseScore version.

So the snap version is lacking that QtQuick, simple as that.
Needs to get reported to and fixed by the person(s) maintaining the snap version

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