MS 3.x: Access Score and Page styles directly from the Format menu?

• Sep 26, 2018 - 10:35
  • IMV, the Style window is too large. There is a lot of empty space in the dialogs.
  • Need to improve access to the most frequently-used sections of the Style window: e.g. the Page dialog.
  • In order to make on-the-fly adjustments to the layout, the Page dialog mut be small enough to allow a good view of both the score page and the Page properties.

Suggestions for improvment

  • Remove Page and Score from the Style window and allow them to be accessed directly from the Format menu. i.e.
    • Page Settings
    • Score
    • Page
  • IMV, it would be helpful to reduce the entries in the in the Style dialog further. Perhaps text-based entries could be split off into another style window?

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