Good news

• Feb 4, 2025 - 11:30

Good news that it's now called musescore studio,
possibly in the future it will have two tracks just for mp3 files (as was done in the old midisoft studio), together with the musical tracks so that you can immediately see the note and hear the sound without having to use daw or any other programme external to musescore.


I'm sorry but this makes absolutely no sense.

It's been called "MuseScore Studio" for about two years (three?). I have no idea what you mean by "tracks just for mp3 files". Users have always been able to "immediately see the note and hear the sound" since at least version 2 some ten (?) years ago. Users have never been forced into "having to use a DAW or othere programme external to musescore".

IMHO, adding audio and video lanes will come sooner or later.
Once the code base for MuseScore Studio and Audacity are the same (as explained by the Boss over here: ), this would then be obvious.
I do hope that at that moment, the linux vst code from audacity can be reused in MS. Unless they decide to ditch linux vst support from Audacity as well. (which is a real possibility, IMHO)

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