Editing MS3.7 UI Files
In my cloned repo I see many .ui files and these appear to be layout definitions written in Qt/XML. I can edit these as text files inside VS2022 but is there any way to edit them, (or even preview them), in WYSIWYG mode?
Is there a list of file types seen in the repo and how to work with them?
Only in Qt Designer
I think it would be common to install "Qt Visual Studio Tools" and call Qt Designer from Visual Studio.
Qt Designer is a standalone .ui editor.
But as Jojo suggests, Qt Creator or Qt Design Studio might be better. I don't know.
In reply to I think it would be common… by knoike
Thanks, I included both Qt Creator and Design Studio in the Qt install section so I'll have a play with them and see if they have to run standalone or can be called from VS without further component installation.
In reply to Thanks, I included both Qt… by yonah_ag
I can confirm that Qt Creator can edit these .ui files in WYSIWYG mode.
I have opened playpanel.ui in Qt Creator.
Then simply increase a bit the window size to better see what it contains.
That wasn't the correct way to zoom as this is really changing the size definition of the panel, and a * appears next to the name to signal unsaved changes.
1) undo doesn't reset my change, is Qt Creator a "poor" editor?
2) checking the changes my size increase has caused I see:
replaced by
ok, I get that.
But ALSO plenty of other changes such as:
replaced by:
Now that seems weird, do I have somethign misconfigured causing these names to be modified?
In reply to I have opened playpanel.ui… by frfancha
Unwanted changes in .ui files is something that indeed happens when using QtCreator (or DtDesigner) on them rathewr than a plain text editor.
Usually I deselect all those when commiting changes (keeping only the ones I really want), then ignore/remove them
In reply to I have opened playpanel.ui… by frfancha