4 Mesures Per Line - What Other Adjustment N eeded

• Sep 27, 2018 - 22:44

I have designated 4 measures per line. What other adjustments are required to create standard size printed output ? I am experimenting with the page settings, but I am not sure if that is the right setting to modify.
I have an older Musedit manual and in some instances, it does not agree with Musedit 2.


Well, if you're looking for "standard", first thing to do is get rid of the line breaks that are forcing four measures per line, since that's pretty non-standard unless you are specifically talking about a lead sheet or music for children. If on the other hand you are producing one of those types of music, then great, but beyond that'd we'd still need to know more about your goals in order to suggest more about settings you might want to customize. If it's a lead sheet meant for jazz, the Jazz Lead Sheet template should already do a good job of setting things up. Most templates will default to Letter sized output in the US, A4 most other locations, which is pretty standard for some types of music but for other types other sizes might be more appropriate, assuming you have access to actual paper that size and printers capable of handling it. BTW, I assume you mean "MuseScore" not "Musedit", otherwise you are posting in wrong forum :-)

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