Rest automatically appear where they are not wanted.

• Jul 15, 2014 - 03:48

How do I keep the rest from appearing in each measure automatically. I understand the count of the notes and the timing signature however as I write, before I have time to finish the measure, the rest start appearing and I can't get them to leave. Is there a way to write and add the rest were you want them to be and add them manually instead of them being automatic?


The rests go away automatically when you enter more notes. Pay no attention to them, they take care of themselves completely. They show up when needed and go away when not, exactly as the rules of music notation demand. MuseScore doesn't have any way of knowing when you are done entering notes, so the rests have to be there or else your music would be incorrect.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

This most likely happens when you are using more than one voice, and according to notation convention (for very good reasons) every voice in a bar must be logically placed in it's rhythm thread.

If you do not need the rests you can right-click on them and set them invisible.

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