lines active

• Oct 7, 2018 - 08:03

Would it be possible to make only a few lines active? Large scores would be easier to manage.
Thank you (Deepl translator)
(Sarebbe possibile dare la possibilità di rendere attivi solo alcuni righi? Partiture di grandi dimensioni sarebbero più facilmente gestibili.


In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

(Quando lavoro su partiture di grandi dimensioni musescore diventa lento.
Ogni salvataggio è lungo perché elabora tutta la partitura.
Se restassero “attivi”, non semplicemente invisibili, solo pochi righi allora musescore lavorerebbe su una partitura più leggera.
Ho provato a suddividere il file in file più piccoli ma non sempre ciò è sempre possibile.)
When I work on large scores, it becomes slow.
Every rescue is long because it processes the whole score.
If they remained "active", not simply invisible, only a few staves would then work on a lighter score.
I tried to split the file into smaller files but this is not always always possible.

In reply to by frirobi48

Ah, I see. But currently, in MuseScore 2.x, the only real options to avoid large scores becoming slow is to split them into movements. It may help a little to disable the navigator and it also helps to not have linked parts (and create them only once all the music has been entered)

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