Simplifying musescore notes

• Oct 18, 2018 - 20:30

Hey fellow music lovers. Im new to all of this composing and was wondering if you could help me with a problem:
The full length of my score stretches over 1 1/3 pages. The notes would be clearer to read if the measures got to be longer and so making the notes fill the 2 pages. Anyone know the secret?

For your info, theres only one instrument (alt sax)


There are basically two things to do: make the staff size bigger, or make the notes more widely space. The former will generally mean fewer system fit per page, and also the notes and space between notes gets bigger so you'll also have fewer measures per systems and hence more systems overall. The latter will keep everything the same size but will also mean fewer measures per system and hence more systems, so there will be wider gaps between systems. Will be up to you to decide how to manage this. But staff size is in Layout / Page Settings, and overall music spacing is in Style / General / Measure (also the stretch commands and the system breaks mentioned above will also serve as overrides for this global setting).

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