Easy access to my online scores.

• Oct 24, 2018 - 00:42

If I am logged in I should have immediate access to download, update and re upload my online scores. The whole process is a bit of a mess about at the minute. If i originally uploaded via the web UI and I download its not linked, then I have to get the url and edit the score properties. If i did upload from the program and i am using a different PC still I have to manually download. This should have been a day 1 feature considering all the income comes from Musescore site, the integration is very very poor.


I'm not quite sure I understand, but it sounds like you are trying to use Save Online instead of saving locally? That's not really how it was intended to work. You would normally save your file locally - the normal way, with File / Save, to your own drive. Then you can also save online if you wish. When you want to update the file, you don't start by downloading the online version - you start by simply opening the local version. Then Save Online works exactly as it is supposed to.

If you want to have your scores available on several different computers, use a cloud service, like dropbox, box.com, OneDrive, Google Drive, etc. and sync that between your computers. MuseScore.com is not a cloud service, but can serve as an additional way to shere scores between computers, it just doesn't have any sync capabilities, so indeed you'd need to download from there to evrery computer you want access to them and have to do that again on every change of the score,, uploas (rather Save online) and download

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