MuseScore app on Android tablet won't refresh with changes

• Oct 29, 2018 - 18:53

I create and maintain a score on my laptop. I upload the score to the musescore site. I check my account in from my laptop and it is indeed there with my recent changes. but when I try to access it via my tablet with the app, the latest version of the score does not appear, only the original version (with missing parts).

Also, many times when I navigate to MyScores in the app, I'm greeted by an empty screen. Is there a caching problem with the app? Can caching be turned off, if so?

Very annoying bug in an otherwise helpful app.


tried logging off and on many times. sometimes fixes the issue, usually not. the real solution is to delete the score on line and then upload it again. That will usually fix the issue. seems like a caching issue to me. there really should be a way to purge the apps cache.

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