Measure numbering

• Nov 24, 2018 - 17:51

In the attached picture, the F is selected in measure 7, (according to the status bar below the palette pane) but the display says measure six. I do have a pickup bar, but why doesn't the display jive with the status bar?

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theme.png 656.98 KB


Not all scores have pickup bars, so MuseScore must (internally) assign a uniform system of numbering across any type of score; and so it numbers (counts) measures consecutively starting with the very first measure - whether a pickup, or not.

Some scores employ section breaks - where the measure count can be independent of the rest of the score (in fact, the first measure of a section is numbered '1' by default) - so in a case like this there can be multiple '1st measures'. A computer/software has to distinguish the difference.

See #3 here:


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