Musescore 3

• Dec 2, 2018 - 21:54

I just installed Musescore 3 -- but when playing back the score, it keeps changing the tempo -- or crashing. What do I need to do....? please help


Post the score here, and provide info. about your OS (operating system), and what version of MuseScore 3.
Your problem needs to be replicated before it can be fixed.

In reply to by louisconti@hot…

It starts with 32.5 BPM and in measure 2 (!) jumps to 100 BPM, that 1st fermata having a strech of 1.2, the 2nd of 3 (both on the flute, all other fermatas are set to 1),
Now doing the math: 3*325. is almost exactly 100
There are more fermatas with a strech not being 1, resulting on more tempo changes, resetting them all and the speed is as expected

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