Replay stretches multimeasure bar (MS3)

• Dec 8, 2018 - 14:17

When I replayed attached score, with the replay bar in the first multimeasure bar, no sound was heard and the replay bar never left the multimeasure bar. Instead, when it hit the right side of the bar, it made it grow. See attached screen shots. When I pressed space, everything halted. When I pressed space again, the bar started progressing again, stretching the multimeasure bar further. And so on.

After having closed and reopened the score, I cannot reproduce the behaviour anymore.

OS: OS X 10.14, Arch.: x86_64, MuseScore version (64-bit): 2.3.2, revision: 4592407

Schermafdruk 2018-12-08 14.56.08.png
Schermafdruk 2018-12-08 14.56.17.png
Schermafdruk 2018-12-08 14.56.46.png

Attachment Size
K57-Do-you-hear-what-I-hear.mscz 27.33 KB


Not sure why this is in "Development and Technology Preview" as 2.3.2 is the latest officialy released version, while here we discuss the latest development builds and currently the 3.0 Alpha/Beta

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