Online Handbook for Version 3

• Jan 18, 2019 - 10:47

Is it just me, or is the search function not working in the version 3 handbook? Tried numerous searches, including 'Mixer', 'Mute', 'Note'. All returned 'Not Found'. Seems to work in the V2 handbook ok.


It doesn't work for me either. I suspect that this is due to the state of flux the handbook is currently in. It's not yet translatable and is still being updated for version 3. Parhaps @Thomas will comment on this.

I detected some problems with Musescore 3. Most important of all is with big scores (Concert Band, Orchestra , etc)...opening old files the scores and staffs become different in all pages. specially the 2nd page of each score is in different size from the remaining, also the Score size of the old files become completely different.
I decided to uninstall musescore 3 and keep the old 2.

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